I LOVE talking about blocks, studying blocks, and playing with them in Photoshop... I am always on a quest for great blocks and trying to figure out what makes them so great ... So I started this companion blog that will be devoted to this quest. But also check out my regular blog at http://olderrose.blogspot.com

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Judy's Block in Fans2 DYB

I am always disciplined in sticking close to the colors that the block owner has chosen...in this case lots of blues.  You can be assured that whatever you do will not disappoint them.. There are times I may want to try something wild and crazy but I do it on my own blocks to be safe...  I mention this because I have had blocks returned that will be unusable because of the colors used... When in doubt.... play it safe!!!


  1. love the bird that has just flown in

  2. You do such lovely birds. He is just the right finishing touch to this lovely block...an blue is my favourite colour so I like it even better :)
